Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22 2013

A selfie. Proclaiming the expression: my haircut looks good enjoy-it-while-it's-wet. And a surprisingly impressive tie-dye (it's brighter than you think).

Oh and it's the first day of school today. 
It'll be a good year... I'm hoping to have the whole finish-multitude of homework-before-midnight figured out this year. We'll see.

August 21 2013


August 20 2013

Balkan Party Music at the History Center.
The last twenty minutes, anyway.

August 19 2013

A beautiful tie-dye shirt. In the rumple. 
The colors were actually very nice going on the shirt... We'll see how soon they wash out! (I have no faith in tie dye. It's never impressive.)

August 18 2013

An afghan in progress.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 17 2013

A day of celebration!
Today was the day Greg and Jessamine finally got married! It was a very nice, outdoor wedding (and the perfect weather).
The youth group was just invited to the ceremony this week; previously we were told we couldn't come :)

G + J

The View

"those attractive guys"

(the attractive girls)

(Jessamine's brother)

August 16 2013

I've been planning this casual party for our grade before school starts... It was more of a "come play kickball with me." It turned out to be more "hang out at Ruthie's; soccer/ultimate; swim and smell like smoke."
So, pretty much as planned.
And I'm glad I did it! It was great fun! :)

August 15 2013

A forest!

Graffiti by some dorks, no doubt.
This would be the Christian thing to do, way to profess your faith...
just saying.

(We went to the park to make sure everyone got the message about the party plan changes... see tomorrow's post.)

August 14 2013

"The bane of my existence."

August 13 2013

Um, my trophies.

August 12 2013

Today I did a 'photoshoot' with my friends, and this is by far the best picture, but not good exposure at all.
These are the results... The ones below have all been edited on Photoshop, by me!

August 11 2013

No, I'm not crying. 
I am cheating a bit by stealing my mom's picture... (no I've never cheated before don't make things up.)
We ran 5 miles at Murphy Hanrehan today, and it was awful. The hills never ended. And when I say never ended, I mean they never ended. 
And they were steeep.
And, when I say ran... there were lots of breathers involved.

August 10 2013

Fire suspended in air...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 9 2013

Painting a gift for a friend.
It turned out super awesome and everyone loved it.

Heidi's sweet sixteen was today.
It was Hunger Games themed, and we fought through little activities... basketball, relay, trivia, art...
Then a bonfire and a late night.

August 8 2013

I don't know what this is, and this was as close as I could get.
It's in our backyard.

Don't this look pro? :)

August 7 2013

There was an abundance of chipmunks.
They act kind of like lizards, sometimes.

I decided that when I'm up all night studying in college, I'm going to have a hedgehog. They're nocturnal.

August 6 2013

Oh, look who learned to knit!

I have a ways to go.
Today, I also did something important. I completed a 5k trail run!
Which actually is an accomplishment... That thing was one giant, undulating hill!
(These are the announcements and giveaway after the race.)

August 5 2013

You throw your jacket on crooked and smash the backs of your tennies with your feet as you grab your toast and run out of your small cluttered apartment. You hobble down the stairs, and you bag of supplies weighs you down lopsided. Your backpack sloshes,  smacking walls as you turn, threatening to throw itself from its gravitational pull and let inertia carry it to space... Or shift its orbit and knock you down the stairs.
You get to the door and pause, then begin shifting... Score! You've reached metal. Except, at that moment the door is jammed into your hip as three rambunctious kids laugh up to their floor. Using your foot to jam the door and your forearm to comfort your side, you briskly begin your trek down the already bustling sidewalk. You take a decisive bite of that toast being squashed in your hand, and a neighbor smiles as they pass.
Since the toast is long gone once you arrive, you take your first step and a deep breath through the doorway, straightening your jacket. A small grin tugs at the corners of your mouth as you continue on your first day.
You reminisce down the halls, wondering how it will feel to be on the other end of the spectrum today.
You reach your room and settle into the almost comfortable desk chair, taking note of the necessary repairs, and begin to unpack...
And realize you've brought the wrong bag.

August 4 2013


It's not a beautiful picture, but it was a beautiful moment. There were so many women worshiping together!
I've always wanted a picture like this, but I never want to take out my camera.

August 3 2013

I <3 SF

August 2 2013

The sun sets on another adventure.

Rewind a few hours, though... 
We said goodbye to all of our new friends :'(
James. He's pretty awesome, to say the least :)

They're all just so good-looking that you needed four of em.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 1 2013

As we organize the clothing.
Also, more hygiene kits, and a new task: cutting tags off clothing. Super fun.

Tonight at Club, the leaders washed our feet as a sign of humility. It is always a moving night.