Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 25 2013

A dog... my dog.

Oh, look. Another picture from today.
A shirt design by Marcella that I have yet to design on the computer...

interesting reflection, not so great exposure.

June 24 2013


June 23 2013

Old School Anew

June 22 2013

Just practicing some candid photography at the farmer's market.I didn't take quite as many pictures as I should have, and I need some more practice aiming without the viewfinder.
Unfortunately, my favorite subject turned out blurry...

Some flowers from our yard.

June 21 2013

An almostsupermoon! 
I was pleasantly surprised by the results, though the next day I read an article about photographing the supermoon well, and it had and example picture- pre-edit- saying "not a big winner, uh?"
Well, it's a winner in my picture book.

June 20 2013

Rough Guide

June 19 2013

by Mary Oliver

 Rain, and then
 the cool pursed
 lips of the wind
 draw them
out of the ground - 
red and yellow skulls
pummeling upward
through leaves,
through grasses, 
through sand; astonishing
 in their suddenness, 
their quietude, 
their wetness, they appear 
on fall mornings, some 
balancing in the earth 
on one hoof 
packed with poison, 
others billowing 
chunkily, and delicious - 
those who know 
walk out to gather, choosing 
the benign from flocks 
of glitterers, sorcerers, 
panther caps, 
shark-white death angels 
in their town veils 
looking innocent as sugar 
but full of paralysis: 
to eat 
is to stagger down 
fast as mushrooms themselves 
when they are done being perfect 
and overnight 
slide back under the shining 
fields of rain.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 17 2013

Sometimes you just need pictures of people.

But, just to satisfy the trend...
Today we biked the seven miles to Anna's house, then to Antler's Park. A beautiful day for the beach!
(we didn't end up swimming, or staying long. nonetheless...)

June 16 2013

We Biked!
The Stone Arch Bridge festival was today... On Father's Day.

At Minnehaha

(Notice the segway-ers on the path...)

A  flutist at the festival

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, 
and it will be the sign of the covenant
 between me and the earth.
                                              --Genesis 9:13

June 15 2013

A flower... zinnia? dahlia? i don't know my flowers well... at Gertens, which is way too big for anyone's good, by the way. Glad we had frozen food in the trunk... :)

June 14 2013

Still manning our garage sale.
Luckily the weather's stayed good so far.
There were some cute lil' kids come through, today! One inspired this picture, though she would have been a striking addition to this shot.

June 13 2013

Sweet Style
We're having a garage sale today to raise money for our mission trip!
Honestly, we don't have that much good stuff, but it works.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 12 2013

SUBJECT: Travel Photog Barbie.

Okay, this first one's conceptual. :)

So, yes.
BRING IT ON, Real World!

June 11 2013

Experimenting with RAW files and zoom lenses... Pretty shaky for the most part. I don't really know  what to do with RAWs yet....

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 10 2013

Today we had our track party.... The mosquitoes are out now!

Also... Check out what a laser pointer does to a gummy peach!!

June 9 2013

Our last (half) day at Okoboji... :(
The sun came towards the end of our trip... There was a rainbow on the way home!! But the other crew had my camera (I rode home with Julie for lack of space, with TJ and Sam).

We visited Arnolds Perk, a cute little cafe near the Emporium

Ruthie colored a dandy dino

And Katie drew a loverly picture. I drew a willow tree :)

Jessamine and Anna

Riley Anna Marcella, to lunch


Rob demonstrates modeling for Anna and Jazzy. :) Not bad.
If I had more time, I'm sure I could have gotten better ones. Not a bad start, though.