Saturday, October 26, 2013

12 Octubre 2013

Celia Photoshoot.

forgive the blue. there's nothing i can do about it now.

11 Octubre 2013

Look familiar?

10 Octubre 2013

Conference Meet
Trinity sweep.


9 Octubre 2013

October Sunrise

Edit: Oh it's also my birthday today.
And I guess it's even Leif Erikson Day.

8 Octubre 2013

Hey look! The milky way!
(Really?? You can be the judge of that.)

I will have to try this again soon.

By the way, did anyone notice the daily incorporated Spanish?
Or the two-oh-oh?

7 Octubre 2013

Squash, anyone?
a well-composed shot.

6 Octubre 2013

Nap time.

5 Octubre 2013

This pretty much sums up the Swain meet in Duluth.
But in words, it was cold, windy, rainy, misty, sloshy, chilly, blustery, miserable...
It was fun to run in. And then it got worse.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

4 Octubre 2013

for Ruthie.

3 Octubre 2013

Book of Life
I know. Spectacular.
The sky was kind of purple (it's like midnight) and the leaves were eerily bright yellow. It was cool. I didn't quite capture it this time.

2 Octubre 2013

When It Rains, It Pours
the silver lining.

el Primero de Octubre 2013

Trinity Invitational- a very flat course, so fast times but a monotonous run.
Beautiful day for a run, though!

Our team knows teamwork! Everyone is so encouraging... I am so thankful for such a great bunch of [insanely fast] people. Okay. Onward.

I like this one :)

Through the fence

"You taking pictures of other teams?"
the result.

They're glowing!

30 Septiembre 2013

This is my dear green soldier, the Seeker.

29 Septiembre 2013

Oh how I love fall. I will have to write an ode.

The other day during Scripture class I somehow ended up making a list of all the best things about fall, and I just about killed myself, having to sit there for another 30 minutes.
And I still haven't been to any orchards or patches...

27 Septiembre 2013

Afterschool athletics...

26 Septiembre 2013

Autumnal Autumn Greens

September 25 2013

I thought it was pretty cool.

September 24 2013

um hey, look at these tomatoes!

September 23 2013

Masking the Truth

i see now that this is blurry.
it looks sharp, small, though...

September 22 2013

My decor.

Friday, October 4, 2013

September 21 2013

Princess Day

It is also Milaca day and Homecoming day.
There are thousands of people at this meet. It's pretty awesome.
And I got 18:17 in the 4k if that means anything to you.
(i couldn't quite capture it. The buses line the road to the horizon.)