Sunday, December 8, 2013

November the Second

Well, maybe not.

This is at the STATE MEET
Becca got third place!! Woot
(All my running-pictures were pretty awful... so have Gracie's face.)

okay and maybe one running...

Lo and behold, I have made it into November.
Unfortunately, I have also reached the mark of the day, and I must retire...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

November the First

So, I've made it to November, finally.
I got new boots today and I was so excited!!
Except it's been a month since I intended to share that information with you.
So that's cool.

31 Octubre 2013

Happy Halloween!   ?

I had a fairly unsuccessful walk tonight:
neither tricks nor treats resulted.
Some kids got a kick out of a photographing cowgirl apparently... they saw me with a camera and started jumping around, then started up with "creeper! that's so creepy!"
It was entertaining. 
He may have been even more accusing that I was silent...

Note: I was celebrating the Harvest Festival, but evidently I appeared as more of a cowgirl. At least I looked like something.

30 Octubre 2013

Mmm I love this weather

(I'm serious)

29 Octubre 2013

Mundane Macros.

28 Octubre 2013

I don't know what or when this is (well, I suppose October the Twenty-Eighth, or thereabouts) but it will do.
Actually, it's an oak in our front yard. And it's pretty colors.

27 Octubre 2013

Besides the background, I really like this one. And it wasn't even original.
I'm getting there.
They were so much fun to shoot!

26 Octubre 2013

Remember the Princess?

25 Octubre 2013

Last day of cross country...
the marker run!
This picture could use a little straightening... But you have probably noticed how behind I am.
This was such a b e a uutiful daaay...

They're so cute :)

24 Octubre 2013

Conference Meet 2013
Trinity tied for 2nd place.